A Helpful Guide to Healthcare Reform Vocabulary and Concepts

by Robert Miller

Recent surveys as well as discussions I have personally had with healthcare industry leaders illustrate that there continues to be a great deal of confusion and lack of awareness about healthcare reform.  From talking with providers, payers and employers I have found that they often lack awareness and are in need of additional information to assist them in framing responses to the specific impacts, challenges, and opportunities associated with healthcare reform.

In addition to the complexities associated with the 6,000 plus pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, we have witnessed the emergence of a new vocabulary, along with acronyms and buzzwords such as Accountable Care Organizations, Episodic Payment Model, Meaningful Use, and Bundled Payment. 


As a result, many decision-makers are not familiar with the new and evolving lexicon and lack the clarity needed to respond to the challenges and opportunities associated with the promises of patient-centered care and improved outcomes in our new healthcare environment.

I recently read a Truven Health Analytics white paper, entitled "Vocabulary of Healthcare Reform."  In addition to explaining the new terminology, the paper provides considerable insights and context related to the new vocabulary and reform concepts that may very well provide the critical knowledge you need to formulate your response strategies and initiatives.

For more information and/or a free copy of the healthcare reform vocabulary white paper, just send me an email, give me a call at 513-605-3664, or access it by clicking HERE.

Arlene Aranzamendez

Aranzamendez is a hands-on creative brand strategist for 26 years who on integrated digital marketing across all platforms.


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